Olivia Bethmann

I’ve always embraced duality. The seemingly opposite callings to which I am drawn to often creates a unique hybrid of creation - something not rooted in “OR” but in “AND”. I love science, and art. Athletics and academics. I’m bougie and crunchy.

Growing up as a high-achieving and competitive athlete who was also deeply committed to academics left little room for self-care or balance. Hustle culture paired with diet culture fosters unhealthy relationships with both movement and food, both of which I have suffered from. Healing from these traumas has been a journey in my life, one I have approached with science, research, self-discovery and love. Becoming a mother has only propelled me further in my journey, rooted in a firm rejection of passing my trauma to my children. Fitness had always been a way for me to process my big emotions and intentionally escape from life’s challenges, but I knew it could be more.

The fitness and wellness industries have polarized and distorted the ideas of movement and fitness. Most instruction falls into one of two categories: “get ripped” or “namaste”. I no longer wanted to choose between prioritizing my physical health, OR mental health. As I have always embraced both sides of the coin, I knew I could combine these two modalities to create a unique, more supportive way of life. I have designed &STRENGTH to use movement as a way to gain strength AND heal, creating a foundation for overall health. I’m creating a brave space for humans to feel supported in their own movement journey — wherever that looks like.

I am humbled daily by the beautiful people that choose to strengthen their minds and bodies with me. Our classes are free of judgment and shame, we have torn down the walls that keep us separate so we can all heal and grow together.

- With love & light, Olivia

Olivia left her 10+ year career in corporate healthcare to commit her full time and energy to bringing healing and strength to the world through OBF. She is a Certified Personal Trainer (NASM) and MHA (Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health) located in Rochester, New York.

Areas of speciality include:

  • Trauma-informed

  • Pre and postnatal

  • Functional training

  • Strength training

  • Breathwork

  • Guided Meditation

  • Cardio movement

  • Endurance training


If you’d like to learn more about me or simply chat please reach out below. I love connecting on a local and global level.

I believe together we can accomplish so much more in the world of health.

fitness trainer running
fitness trainer
fitness trainer teaching