OBF supports all bodies with movement. Our fitness practice is rooted in self-acceptance and mind-body connection. We believe the power of community will shape a healthier future.

Strength for your mind and body

The fitness and health industries have polarized and distorted the ideas of movement and fitness. Most instruction falls into one of two categories: “get ripped” or “namaste”. OBF honors and embraces the complex and dual nature of humanity and our modern everyday life.

By incorporating the science of muscle strengthening with intentional healing and repair for your physical and mental self, OBF is able to build strength and foster healing at the same time.

Created by Olivia Bethmann the &STRENGTH programming supports both body and soul in a sustainable way, promoting overall health, strength and power. Clients gain confidence in their daily lives, having proven their ability to overcome stressors in a safe and controlled space.

A healthy relationship with movement is paramount to wellness, and is the antidote to extreme diet and hustle cultures that pervades many facets of daily life. Through OBF, any individual is able to claim their power, safety, and find joy and healing through daily movement.

Guiding principles

  • Community

    We connect through movement and provide a support system to meet all needs, backgrounds, and abilities.

  • Transformation

    We honor the journey and trust the process toward growth – gaining new perspectives along the way.

  • Sustainability

    We value the connection between environment, economy, and equity, and practice this balance to support future generations.

Based in Rochester, NY


OBF makes exercise more accessible through inclusive programs

We support all bodies and offer specialty services for:

  • People who have experienced trauma

  • People living with mental health challenges

  • Pre and postnatal women

  • Older adults

Learn more about Olivia Bethmann